

Posted by XT on May 3, 2020


- Good morning every professor, I’m pleased to meet you today in this way, maybe I’m a little nervous, I will try my best to induce myself to everyone.

- My name is Wangzhixing, I am 22 years old,

- First, let me introduce myself to you and I come from Kaifeng of Henan province, a beautiful and historical city. I am a senior student at Beijing University Of post and telecommunication. my major is cyberspace

- The reason why I want to study for master’s degree is that I think I don’t have enough practice during my Undergraduate period, many companies don’t give a job to undergraduate student. And on the other hand, I like the feelings that when you finish a difficult accomplishment. In addition, I have a high sense of responsibility, I will try my best to do what I should do.at my Freshman period, I finish the core code of the C++ programming and I finish a platform with my partner during the internship at ER LAB in a company.

- If I were enrolled into my ideal research filed. I hope I can go on for further study about the knowledge. I want get more experience during my study for doctorate degree if possible.

- Thank you.


  • 最喜欢的课程是什么?介绍下具体了解的内容?为什么?(1)

    My favorite lesson is computer network.Because compared with the other professional lessons,computer network is easier to understand and applied more widely,so it attracts me. In this lesson, I have learn some basic knowledge about computer network,i have know the basic model of network,and…learn how to make a net wire.

    My favorite lesson is data structure ,Because this lesson teach me a lot  computer basic knowledge.Although I can't understand the code first, though the   cotton I can understand the algrothm very clearly. And it attracts me.I have learned much such as LinkList, heap sort qucik sort. And it help me build a stable computer basis.
  • 为什么报考南京大学?(2)

    There are many resons.
    Firstly,To be honest, I Iike the southern city's climate.that is not so dry all the years. I like the rainy day, I feel peaseful when it rains. So that I can study more effectively.
    secondly, although my college located at Beijng. I can find a job easily at BJ.last year I work at a company. Durning my work at the company. I feel that I can't study the new knowledge because it's busy all the day. And that is not life I want.I determined to pursue the postgraduate study in this historical university.
  • There are my reasons. Firstly, I have spent four years to get my undergraduate degree in chuzhou which is near nanjing. So I searched for knowledges about nanjing when I was in my college. Then I loved the city for its history and culture. Secondly,when I determined to pursue the postgraduate study, I came to nanjing university and was moved by its campus and academic atmosphere. It is my view that if I can study in this university ,my life would be a major blessing. Lastly ,when I understood nju’s school motto, it became my personal rule for the rest of my life. That ‘s all ,thank you .

  • 对南京的印象(2)

    Thanks for your question.In my part,for one thing ,Nanjing has its unique charm due to its long history.Nanjing is a city which has rich cultural content.For example, nanjing was called jiangningfu in the south song dynasty and was a capital of some Dynasties.
    For another thing, the local people here are kind,and the scenery here are beautiful and full of cultural atmosphere.that’s all,thank you.
  • 介绍下做过的项目(1)

    well let me see, when I work on the company I developed the plateform of building docker online together with two parterners,and I was mainly in charge of  the backstage, they use python flask for the web,and as for me , I use the python rpc to interact to the front end.
    And the plateform mainly sole the problem of spent toomuch time on building dockers enviorment.we just need a docker-compose.yml file,upload it and wait until all the docker images build complete.
  • 未来打算研究的方向是什么?

  • 具体介绍下所了解的内容?

  • 为什么?

  • 如何做?(2)

    Well I'm intersted in software durning my college, but you know recent years,comouter science was developing very soon, more and more new technology was appear, and currently, big data and distribute technolgy was the focus, so I want to do the researh on distribute or big data in the future. My dissertation for bachelor's degree is about federal learning which was about how to sole the pravite problem. 
  • 描述本科的大学生活?有什么收获?(2)

    I think the most importnt could be conclude in two point,study and exercise,the most differnce before I get into college is that I have more freedom time , I must know what should do and how to do by myslef.some people would play computer games all the day, and some people would study all the day. I don't think that is good for me, I have to exercise for my health,so that i can study effctively.
    I was ready for my postgraduate study on September Last year,and togerther with me my friend also want to come to NJ university ,at that time we get up early and back to room very late, study together all the day and inspire each other,and fotunately we are all succeeded.

    I think that I can use a word to describe my college life. That is expiration. I’ve tried many ways of life and finally set my goal. I ‘ve learned lots of things from my college life ,for example, I ‘ve learned what I should be .I ‘ve known how to pursue the meaning of my life.

  • 最喜欢的业余爱好是什么?为什么?(1)

    My favorite hobby is playing volleyball ,whenever I have free time, I would play volleyball with my friends.It can strenth my body and would not let me hrut like basketball.
  • 最喜欢的网络应用是什么?具体介绍下?为什么?(2)

    that must be taobao ,because as a young people , I don't like spent time on compare price  of goods, i want buying goods that not only cheap but many people said good. 
  • 最喜欢的一项体育运动是什么?(1)

    My favorite sports is playing volleyball ,whenever I have free time, I would play volleyball with my friends.It can strenth my body and would not let me hrut like basketball.
  • 最喜欢的一部电影是什么?介绍下电影中讲的内容?为什么?(1)

    One of my fevorite movies is coco which describe s story of a boy who love play gittar, all his parents and sisters don't like music, and in accident he go to the golves world and many instring and moved thing happen on him.
  • 谈谈好莱坞电影和中国电影有什么不同的地方?更喜欢哪个?为什么?(2)

  • 最喜欢的编程语言是什么?介绍下它的特点?为什么?(1)

    python, I can write code on cmd and every setense I can see the results.it's very convenint. The varibals don‘t need to be state firstly,and interger vareible don't have size limitation.but sometimes it's too slow.
  • 最喜欢的搜索引擎是什么?介绍下它的特点?为什么?(2)

  • 根据自己的了解谈谈什么是做研究?研究人员应当具备什么样的素质?(2) 16. 用英语说下群(离散数学中的)的概念(2)

  • 用英语说下你最失败/伤心的经历(2)

  • I failed in my first postgraduate entrance examination,which made me realize the importance of focus ,methods and schedule.i didn’t know wether I was afraid of failure,and wether I would go on after failure.After I failed , I knew that I wasn’t afraid of failure ,and I would persist until I succeed.that’s all.thank you

  • Can you describe the process of HTTP?(2) HTTP is the abbreviations of HyperText Transfer Protocol.when browsing a web page,the URL entered in the browser address bar always starts with http. HTTP defines how informations is formatted,how it is transmitted,and how the server and client respond to various commands.

  • Can you talk about a movie star?(2)

  • 用英语描述一下 ipad(2)

  • 用英语说下堆排序的过程(3) first ,build a max heap from the input data.second,At this point, the largest item is stored at the root of the heap. Replacing it with the last item of the heap followed by reducing the size of heap by 1. Finally, heapify the root of tree.third,Repeat above steps while size of heap is greater than 1.

  • 用英语描述下二分查找(3)

    in the current sequent list,if the middle located value is less than we found ,we should choose the front sequse and if the vlue is more than we found ,we should choose the second half and reapet above step until we find the value.

    If the value to find is less than the value being checked, then the search must continue in all values less than the current one. Likewise, if the value to find is greater than the checked value, the search must continue in all values greater than the current one. And of course, if the value matches the one for which you’re searching, then the search ends

  • 用英语描述二叉树(3)

    the binanry tree structure conclude root right leaf and left leaf,root should not be empty , left and right leaf could be empty or binary tree.
  • 用英语描述列表(3)

  • 你为什么要考研(2)(注:这个问题,我在综合面试(中文)的时候,老师问我了) (我没遇到过)翻译:(2)

  • 给出一段文章(跟计算机专业有关的一些论文里的某一段),先读出来,然后翻译 26.你擅⻓什么(1)

总结:咸⻥大佬提醒我要标明这里问题的出处,这也确实是我的一个疏漏,我再仔细回想以后重新对问题进行了标注,但有很多问题由于时间过去有一段时间了我已经忘记了,就没有再补 充上去,但标(1)和(3)的问题是高频或中频问题,我遇到一些人被问了这些问题。另外,很 多人都被问到了专业问题,这些专业问题不一而足,大致可分为两类:一是计算机相关(数据 结构、操作系统、计算机网络等)问题,二是根据你的项目描述,提问问题。